Yes, we do have skills. But no way am I going to become a factory drone whilst some fatass sails around in the boat I built on the reservoir behind the dam my brother built.
I spent my time watching others benefit from my sweat.
what most jehovah’s witnesses don’t realize about their version of the new system is who’s gonna mow the grass?.
after the system is destroyed who’s gonna make that nail your pounding with a hammer?
Yes, we do have skills. But no way am I going to become a factory drone whilst some fatass sails around in the boat I built on the reservoir behind the dam my brother built.
I spent my time watching others benefit from my sweat.
i was wondering what your guys' meeting attendance was like.
our meetings here is like 50/50 with zoom and in person.
the spanish has it a little "better" with it being like 30% zoom attendance with most attending in person.. i've heard of congregations in other states having attendance where most (even elders and ms) attend meeting only via zoom and even have their cameras off.
Since the reminder, 40% zoom, guessing. No way c to know actual hall numbers. Still only about 5 on camera. They are requiring masks contrary to directions, which doesn't help. Boring meetings, pushy elders, can't see to drive at night dont help their cause.
Door work is going right back to the seperate groups which didn't work well 3 years ago. No word on masks yet
2022 governing body update # 6. what exciting news david splane has for all jehovah's witnesses ( who for the last three years were spared the house-to-house preaching work ) '' that we'll return to the ministry september 01, 2022. just in time for our world wide campaign to start bible studies.
and, i'm sure the angels are excited too, because it will give them opportunities to help us with our ministry.''.
not only will the witnesses be rusty in their return to the field ministry, the angels in heaven have been sitting idle while the pandemic stopped the house-to-house ministry.
If I preach Aug 31 will I get struck by lightning? Apparently(tm) angels use the Gregorian calendar and t h e International date line.
when i was a teenager a younger fellow workmate was involved in the sport of judo.i got interested and went along to a number of sessions and took to it like a sponge to water ,and as a sport i was happy participating in.. not that much longer another workmate was getting re-activated in the religion of jw`s.
which i had never heard o before and then got interested in that .. conflict : was judo a sport that was compatible with j.w beliefs?
sadly i decided it was not and stopped any further involvement.. to this day i resent that decision i made back then .and i`m 82 years old now.. it was a sport i was comfortable doing and i enjoyed it.and i gave it up because of the religion .who knows what i may have achieved had i continued with it.
Where to s t art?! Bicycle racing, car racing, motorcycles, sex, college, character building military service, school dances, . If course not having a " well paying" job prevented it too.
I still have an aversion to aluminum, but never realized sleeping on my stomach and pointing east ( cardinal, not magnetic) is why I feel bad.
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
Shaving is done with a clam shell or flint shard.
we need a beatings subject heading.. we got the talk.
if you are not sure about in person ask an elder to assess your reasons for staying on zoom.
no mention of elders asking us about meeting quality.
We need a beatings subject heading.
We got the talk. If you are not sure about in person ask an elder to assess your reasons for staying on zoom. No mention of elders asking us about meeting quality. They also beat the dressing up for Jehovah. Interview was an older person who has never had health problems and could hardly wait to get back. Also a true believer in " soon".
Brother SKE ( hardnose) had part on door to door. " you will and follow direction" more rules coming later.
in july the congregation received $2300.00.
only 40.00 for the worldwide work and zero for ramapo project!!!.
if this is typical no wonder the org.
That 8.50 pays car, insurance, health insurance, etc. for co's; self jnsurance on halls (but if something happens a donation box goes in). There is another resolution to send a regular donation from congregation funds.
a dyed in the wool witness actually posted this as if non-witnesses invented unheard of terminology,.
"those who devote their life to criticize jehovah’s witnesses use a lot of very specific expressions and ideas common only to them:.
“8 old men in new york”,.
If they avoid critical sites how do they know? They forgot 8 popes
pursue peace assembly 2022 shows a resurrected, newly shaven joseph, the son of jacob and rachel, having a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant in the new system.
the survivors of armageddon all want to know if joseph can share stories about his life.. ''can you tell us what egypt was like?
what was pharaoh like?''.
They used to say there would be convention interviews or talks. I winder if there will be a artfully scripted made up story? Or bloviating like now?
I can see it now: a million standing in the sun with repeaters passing the words back. Will we have leftover binoculars?
watchtower lawyer david brumley has been fined for misleading the court during the discovery process of the montana case.
the result was another 17 months of the courts time and the plaintiff having to produce evidence that wtpa did have a pivotal role in congregational business, which brumley had denied hoping that the courts would take his word for it.
he will be personally responsible for reimbursing the costs accrued by the plaintiff, due to his misleading affidavit.. see mark o donnell's twitter statement here:
David who?
Does this mean the WTB$ will throw him under the bus and leave him to pay?
Setting a precedent for future cases?